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IGreenhouseSequence - Interface in com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.app.core.sequence
Common interface for all sequences of greenhouse.
initializeRepository() - Method in class com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.repository.GreenhouseRepository
Initialize an empty repository.
IRepository - Interface in com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.repository
Common interface for all repositories.
isEnabled - Variable in class com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.model.greenhouse.sensor.core.BaseSensor
Flag indicating if the sensor is active.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.model.greenhouse.sensor.core.BaseSensor
Check if the sensor is currently enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.model.greenhouse.sensor.core.ISensor
Flag indicating whether the sensor is enabled.
ISensor<T extends java.lang.Number> - Interface in com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.model.greenhouse.sensor.core
Common interface for all sensors.
isGraphQLResponseError() - Method in class com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.model.api.ApiResponse
Checks if the response from the GraphQL server is successful.
isRunning - Static variable in class com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.orchestrator.MonitoringOrchestrator
Is the orchestrator running?
isSetup() - Method in class com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.controller.GreenhouseController
Check if the greenhouse is initialized.
isSuccess - Variable in class com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.model.api.ApiResponse
The status of the response from the GreenProxy forward proxy server.
isValid() - Method in class com.inhousegreenhouse.ch.backend.model.greenhouse.dht.DHT11Result
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