All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description ADC This class represents the MCP3008 Analog-To-Digital Converter chip connected of the Raspberry Pi.AnalogSensor<T extends java.lang.Number> This class represents an analog sensor and is used to read the analog value of the sensor.Api This class is used to send requests to the GraphQL API.ApiAuthenticatedRequest This class represent an API request that is authenticated with an API token.ApiHeader This class represents a header of an API request.ApiRequest This class represents an API request.ApiResponse This class represents a response from the API, received through GreenProxy server.BaseSensor<T extends java.lang.Number> BaseSensor is the base class for all sensors.Channels A utility class used to assign channels to sensors.CriticalGreenhouseError Exception thrown when a critical error occurs in the backend.DHT11 DHT11Result GraphQLQuery This class defines a GraphQL query.GraphQLVariable<T> This class represents a variable of a GraphQL query.Greenhouse This class represents a registered greenhouse.GreenhouseApi GreenhouseApi is a class that handles all requests to the Greenhouse API.GreenhouseController Controller for the greenhouse.GreenhouseManager Entry point for the In-House Greenhouse monitoring system.GreenhouseNotInitializedException Exception thrown when the greenhouse is not initialized.GreenhouseRepository A GreenhouseRepository is a repository that manage data related to the current Greenhouse.GreenhouseService Service for Greenhouse.GreenhouseSetup GreenhouseSetup is a class that represents data necessary for the setup of a greenhouse.HumiditySensor HumiditySensor class that defines the humidity sensor.IGreenhouseSequence Common interface for all sequences of greenhouse.IRepository Common interface for all repositories.ISensor<T extends java.lang.Number> Common interface for all sensors.MoistureSensor MoistureSensor defines a moisture sensor.MonitoringConfig The sensor monitoring configuration.MonitoringOrchestrator Sensor observers orchestrator required to monitor the greenhouse sensors.Position This class represents a position on the board with a string value that defines the position id.ProxyRequestFailException Exception thrown when a proxy request fails.RepositoryLoadException Exception thrown when a repository could not be loaded.SensorApi SensorApi is a class that handles all requests to the Sensor API.SensorController Controller for the sensors.SensorList This class stores all the loaded sensors, where every sensor is sorted by its type in a own list.SensorObserver<T extends ISensor<? extends java.lang.Number>> The sensor observer is the interface that is used to observe the sensor.SensorRepository Sensor repository that manage all the sensors.SensorService Service of Sensor.SensorType The type of sensor.Sequence A base class that defines the basic attributes of a sequence of the greenhouse.SetupHelper This class is used to help the app SetupSequence to fetch the greenhouse settings from the user.SetupSequence This class is used to setup the greenhouse.SpiCannotBeInitializedException Exception thrown when the SPI communication interface cannot be initialized.SplashScreen This class is used to display the splash screen.SplashScreenSequence The splash screen sequence.StartupSequence This class is responsible for starting the monitoring system.TemperatureSensor TemperatureSensor class defines a temperature sensor.WateringSystem This class represents the watering system of the greenhouse.WaterSensor WaterSensor class defines the water sensor.